Monday, February 11, 2008

Motocycle ban on KL-Putrajaya Highway

It is so unfair, why they wanna ban motorcylclist ? The highway is so wide (3 lane) and I don't think there is any reason to ban motorcyclist.They should make motorcycle lane same as in Federal Highway and Kesas. Not banning motorcyclist to use the highway.

I think the government just want to make more money because if everybody ride bike to work who are going to pay for toll? No extra income for Gov and Mr Semi-Value.Thats why everybody must drive a car to use highway and pay for toll.

Why don't they :

Ban all express buses from the highways coz they always overspeed and causes accidents with great loss of lives.

Ban all kancils & small cc cars from the highways coz they are a nuisance.

Ban all high cc cars from the highways too for driving too fast on our 110km/h highways.

Ban all old and lady drivers from the highways for driving too slow on the highways.

In the end, only left the politicians and their cronies & escorts using the highways exclusively.

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