Monday, February 4, 2008 is a site about self improvement and body mind spirit. You can find lots of interesting news related to health, some undercover news and many more. I found one interesting article from the website : Fat Men and Shrinking Penises

"Florida surgeon Dr. J. takes an interestingly terrifying peak at the effects of obesity in men. He says that when men gain weight, abdominal fat changes testosterone to estrogen that remains stored in all that extra fat. The unfortunate result is a shrinking “Mr. Happy” (or whatever you call your thing, i.e., Richard, Woody, Mini Me, Snake, Beaver Cleaver, Willy, Twinkie…well, you get my point, right. Sorry I got carried away.). This sad event is permanent! He’s saying that even later dieting will not correct the shrinkage to your little guy. Boo hooo hoooooooo!

Guys, that should be a great incentive to NOT get fat."

Haha... someone staying at Vista C-5-1, middle room should beware...

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